18 Titles

The HTS Religion & Society Book Series aim to become a rich source of knowledge on contested Historical Thought and Source Interpretation. Contact Professor Andries van Aarde web_orcid_icon16x16.gif (andries.vanaarde@aosis.co.za), Editor of the HTS Religion & Society Book Series, to contribute a full-length manuscript within the series. We invite you to read the volume(s) in the series.


Print ISSN 2617-5819

All Books

Cover for Youth ministry: An inclusive missional approach
Volume 1
HTS Religion & Society Series
Youth ministry: An inclusive missional approach
Malan Nel (Author)
Cover for Mother Earth, Mother Africa and Theology
Volume 10
HTS Religion & Society Series
Mother Earth, Mother Africa and Theology
Sinenhlanhla S Chisale, Rozelle Robson Bosch (Volume editor)
Cover for Mission moves: Cultivating communities of the Gospel
Volume 11
HTS Religion & Society Series
Mission moves: Cultivating communities of the Gospel
Malan Nel (Volume editor)
Cover for Philipp Melanchthon: Die denker, leermeester en opvoeder van die Reformasie
Volume 12
HTS Religion & Society Series
Philipp Melanchthon: Die denker, leermeester en opvoeder van die Reformasie
Ignatius (Natie) WC van Wyk (Author)
Cover for Verskyning en verdwyning van ’n verligte mens: ’n Boeddha in Theravāda perspektief, mistiek vertolk
Volume 13
HTS Religion & Society Series
Verskyning en verdwyning van ’n verligte mens: ’n Boeddha in Theravāda perspektief, mistiek vertolk
JS (Kobus) Krüger (Author)
Cover for Speaking of Satan in Zambia: Making cultural and personal sense of narratives about Satanism
Volume 14
HTS Religion & Society Series
Speaking of Satan in Zambia: Making cultural and personal sense of narratives about Satanism
Johanneke Kroesbergen-Kamps (Author)
Cover for Resilience in a VUCA world: Reflections on teaching, learning and health in turbulent times
Volume 15
HTS Religion & Society Series
Resilience in a VUCA world: Reflections on teaching, learning and health in turbulent times
Annette Potgieter (Volume editor)
Cover for The fabric(ation) of consciousness: A neuro-ecological perspective
Volume 17
HTS Religion & Society Series
The fabric(ation) of consciousness: A neuro-ecological perspective
Pieter F Craffert (Author)
Cover for Signposts to Silence: Metaphysical mysticism: theoretical map and historical pilgrimages
Volume 2
HTS Religion & Society Series
Signposts to Silence: Metaphysical mysticism: theoretical map and historical pilgrimages
JS Krüger (Author)
Cover for Just faith: Glocal responses to planetary urbanization
Volume 3
HTS Religion & Society Series
Just faith: Glocal responses to planetary urbanization
Stephan de Beer (Volume editor)
Cover for Nicholas Bhekinkosi Hepworth Bhengu’s lasting legacy: World’s best black soul crusader
Volume 4
HTS Religion & Society Series
Nicholas Bhekinkosi Hepworth Bhengu’s lasting legacy: World’s best black soul crusader
Dan SB Lephoko (Author)
Cover for Re-authoring life narratives after trauma: A holistic narrative model of care
Volume 5
HTS Religion & Society Series
Re-authoring life narratives after trauma: A holistic narrative model of care
Charles B Manda (Author)
Cover for The Language of faith in Southern Africa: Spirit world, power, community, holism
Volume 6
HTS Religion & Society Series
The Language of faith in Southern Africa: Spirit world, power, community, holism
Hermen Kroesbergen (Author)
Cover for Missional leadership
Volume 7
HTS Religion & Society Series
Missional leadership
Nelus Niemandt (Author)
Cover for Contested body: Metaphors of dominion in Romans 5-8
Volume 7
HTS Religion & Society Series
Contested body: Metaphors of dominion in Romans 5-8
Annette Potgieter (Author)
Cover for Dante se mistieke reis. Tweede Tog: Purgatorio, ingelei, vertaal, toegelig, vertolk
Volume 8
HTS Religion & Society Series
Dante se mistieke reis. Tweede Tog: Purgatorio, ingelei, vertaal, toegelig, vertolk
JS (Kobus) Kruger (Author)
Cover for Healer: Reception of Jesus as healer during early Christianity and Today
Volume 9
HTS Religion & Society Series
Healer: Reception of Jesus as healer during early Christianity and Today
Zorodzai Dube (Volume editor)