2 Titles

The Human Functioning, Technology and Health Book Series focus on the growing need to understand and improve human functioning. We aim to put the spotlight firmly on evidence-informed strategies to optimise functioning for people living with all level of disability. Contact Professor Quinette Louwweb_orcid_icon16x16.gif (qalouw@sun.ac.za), Editor of the Human Functioning, Technology and Health Book Series, to contribute a chapter or full-length manuscript within the series. We invite you to read the volume(s) in the series.


Print ISSN 2710-0995

All Books

Cover for Collaborative capacity development to complement stroke rehabilitation in Africa
Volume 1
Human Functioning, Technology and Health
Collaborative capacity development to complement stroke rehabilitation in Africa
Quinette Louw (Volume editor)
Cover for Transformation of learning and teaching in rehabilitation sciences: A case study from South Africa
Volume 2
Human Functioning, Technology and Health
Transformation of learning and teaching in rehabilitation sciences: A case study from South Africa
Dawn V Ernstzen, Lee-Ann J Jacobs-Nzuzi Khuabi, Faeza Bardien (Volume editor)