Dante se mistieke reis. Tweede Tog: Purgatorio, ingelei, vertaal, toegelig, vertolk

JS (Kobus) Kruger


The book wishes to bridge the divide between academic literature and popular culture. This is reflected in its style of presentation.

The purpose of the book is threefold:

1. Provision of an Afrikaans translation of Dante’s Purgatorio from the original Italian, true to Dante’s original intentions, and expressed in idiomatic Afrikaans prose of acceptable aesthetic quality, giving the reader a sense of the beauty and subtlety of Dante’s superb literary achievement.

2. Provision of sufficient historical, linguistic and other important information, enabling readers who are not necessarily specialized in the field to understand the background, context and intentional structure of the great text. Such information is mainly provided in the general introduction, the introduction to each canto, and the endnotes to each of the 33. However, the introduction and endnotes also contain a considerable degree of interpretation of the author’s subjective intentions and the conditions of the time in the larger context of the development of the notion of purgatory in the Western Church and the place of Dante’s work and thinking in the overall historical development of Western Christian theology, which at the time of the poet’s supreme synthesis of classical culture and European Christianity and of Church and State, started to demonstrate symptoms of unravelling and decline.

3. Provision of a wide, inclusive theoretical framework of mysticism, enabling an understanding and appreciation of the tendential drift of Dante’s achievement towards an ultimate horizon of silence, not necessarily consciously intended by the poet. In that context, the third part of the book (the postscript) proceeds with a comparison of Dante’s style and the substance of his thinking with that of the Theravāda Buddhist master Buddhaghosa. The purpose of this section is to clear a path towards a true pax fidei beyond mutual indifference or schiedlich-friedlich religious apartheid.

The research methodology applied consists of three major components:

1. A historical hermeneutic endeavouring to understand and interpret the interplay between the subjective intentions of actors (including Dante) and objective processes and outcomes, often involving an element of tragedy.

2. A comparative procedure enabling the simultaneous appreciation of more than one religion (in this case, Medieval Christianity and Buddhism).

3. An investigation of points (1) and (2) in an ultimately de-absolutizing, relativizing yet loving, accommodating framework sub specie horizontis.


  • Inleiding
    JS (Kobus) Kruger
  • Canto I
    Ante-Purgatorium: strand van die eiland; Vergilius, Cato van Utica
    JS (Kobus) Kruger
  • Canto II
    Ante-Purgatorium: strand van die eiland; Vergilius, Cato, ’n Engel, boetvaardige geeste, Casella
    JS (Kobus) Kruger
  • Canto III
    Ante-Purgatorium: voet van die krans; eerste groep; geëkskommunikeerdes; Vergilius, Manfred
    JS (Kobus) Kruger
  • Canto IV
    Ante-Purgatorium: Eerste Rotslys; tweede groep; trae te-laat-berouelinge; Vergilius, Belacqua
    JS (Kobus) Kruger
  • Canto V
    Ante-Purgatorium: Tweede Rotslys; derde groep; gewelddadig gestorwenes sonder sterwensrites; Vergilius, Jacopo del Cassero, Bonconte da Montefeltro, Pia de’ Tolomei
    JS (Kobus) Kruger
  • Canto VI
    Ante-Purgatorium: Tweede Rotslys; derde groep; gewelddadig gestorwenes sonder sterwensrites; Vergilius, Sordello da Goito
    JS (Kobus) Kruger
  • Canto VII
    Ante-Purgatorium: Tweede Rotslys, Vallei van Blomme; vierde groep; Vergilius, te-laat-berouelinge, nalatige heersers, Sordello
    JS (Kobus) Kruger
  • Canto VIII
    Ante-Purgatorium: Tweede Rotslys, Vallei van Blomme; steeds vierde groep; Vergilius, te-laat-berouelinge, nalatige heersers, Nino Visconti, Conrad Malaspina engele, ’n slang
    JS (Kobus) Kruger
  • Canto IX
    Ante-Purgatorium: Poort na Purgatorium; Vergilius, Lucia, Die Engelwag
    JS (Kobus) Kruger
  • Canto X
    Eerste Terras: hoogmoed; Vergilius
    JS (Kobus) Kruger
  • Canto XI
    Eerste Terras: hoogmoed; Vergilius, Omberto Aldobrandeschi, Oderisi da Gubbio, Provenzano Salvani
    JS (Kobus) Kruger
  • Canto XII
    Eerste Terras: hoogmoed; die Engel van Ootmoed, Vergilius
    JS (Kobus) Kruger
  • Canto XIII
    Tweede Terras: afguns; Vergilius, Sapia van Siena
    JS (Kobus) Kruger
  • Canto XIV
    Tweede Terras: afguns; Vergilius, Rinieri da Calboli en Guido del Duca, Kain en Aglauros
    JS (Kobus) Kruger
  • Canto XV
    Tweede Terras: afguns; die Engel van Barmhartigheid, Vergilius; Derde Terras: woede
    JS (Kobus) Kruger
  • Canto XVI
    Derde Terras: woede; Vergilius, Marco Lombardo
    JS (Kobus) Kruger
  • Canto XVII
    Derde Terras: woede; die Engel van Sagmoedigheid, Vergilius; Vierde Terras: traagheid
    JS (Kobus) Kruger
  • Canto XVIII
    Vierde Terras: traagheid; Vergilius, die ab van San Zeno
    JS (Kobus) Kruger
  • Canto XIX
    Vierde Terras: traagheid; die Engel van Ywer; Vyfde Terras: hebsug; Vergilius, Adrianus V
    JS (Kobus) Kruger
  • Canto XX
    Vyfde Terras: hebsug; Vergilius, Hugo Capet
    JS (Kobus) Kruger
  • Canto XXI
    Vyfde Terras: hebsug; Vergilius, Statius
    JS (Kobus) Kruger
  • Canto XXII
    na die Sesde Terras: gulsigheid; Vergilius, Statius
    JS (Kobus) Kruger
  • Canto XXIII
    Sesde Terras: gulsigheid; Vergilius, Statius, Forese Donati
    JS (Kobus) Kruger
  • Canto XXIV
    Sesde Terras: gulsigheid; Vergilius, Statius, Forese Donati, Bonagiunta da Lucca, die Engel van Matigheid
    JS (Kobus) Kruger
  • Canto XXV
    na die Sewende Terras: losbandigheid; Vergilius, Statius
    JS (Kobus) Kruger
  • Canto XXVI
    Sewende Terras: losbandigheid; Vergilius, Statius, Guido Guinizelli, Arnaut Daniel
    JS (Kobus) Kruger
  • Canto XXVII
    Sewende Terras: muur van vuur; Aardse Paradys: losbandigheid; Vergilius, Statius, Die Engel van Kuisheid, Beskermengel van die Aardse Paradys
    JS (Kobus) Kruger
  • Canto XXVIII
    Aardse Paradys: riviere Lethe en Eunoë; Statius, Vergilius, Matelda
    JS (Kobus) Kruger
  • Canto XXIX
    Aardse Paradys: Lethe-rivier; die groot prosessie; Vergilius, Statius, Matelda
    JS (Kobus) Kruger
  • Canto XXX
    Die Aardse Paradys: Lethe-rivier; herontmoeting met Beatrice; Statius
    JS (Kobus) Kruger
  • Canto XXXI
    Aardse Paradys: Lethe-rivier; Statius, Matelda, Beatrice
    JS (Kobus) Kruger
  • Canto XXXII
    Aardse Paradys: Tuin van Eden; Statius, Matelda, Beatrice
    JS (Kobus) Kruger
  • Canto XXXIII
    Aardse Paradys: Eunoë-rivier; Statius, Matelda, Beatrice
    JS (Kobus) Kruger
  • Nawoord
    op weg na geloofsvrede; Dante, Theravāda Boeddhisme, mistiek
    JS (Kobus) Kruger


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Cover for Dante se mistieke reis. Tweede Tog: Purgatorio, ingelei, vertaal, toegelig, vertolk
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