2 Titles

The Knowledge Pathing: Multi-, Inter- and Trans-Disciplining in Social Sciences Series seeks to advance debates and dialogues in the humanities and social sciences research and studies spaces. Today's societal challenges and problems require joint efforts – in thinking, strategy, approach and implementation. Contact Professor Mogomme Masogaweb_orcid_icon16x16.gif (masogam@unizulu.ac.za), Editor of the Knowledge Pathing: Multi-, Inter- and Trans-Disciplining in Social Sciences Series, to contribute a full-length manuscript within the series. We invite you to read the volume(s) in the series.


Print ISSN 2618-0812

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Cover for Issues around aligning theory, research and practice in social work education today
Volume 1
Knowledge Pathing: Multi-, Inter- and Trans-Disciplining in Social Sciences Series
Issues around aligning theory, research and practice in social work education today
Allucia L Shokane, Jabulani C Makhubele, Lisa V Blitz (Volume editor)
Cover for Problematising local indigenous community research: Afro-sensed perspectives
Volume 2
Knowledge Pathing: Multi-, Inter- and Trans-Disciplining in Social Sciences Series
Problematising local indigenous community research: Afro-sensed perspectives
Mogomme A Masoga, Allucia L Shokane, Kelly J Gross (Volume editor)