Youth ministry: An inclusive missional approach

Malan Nel


This book aims to contribute to the scientific and academic discourse as regards the ‘what’ and ‘why’ of youth ministry. Too often, youth ministry has been approached from a mainly practical point of view, almost asking how we keep young people off the streets. Its methodology has often not included the theological and theoretical presuppositions that lie behind this ministry. Previous scientific reflection has been determined by a one-dimensional and almost exclusive point of view. Compared with existing literature, this book does not focus so much on the ‘how’ of youth ministry. It innovates a different approach. The book challenges the existing exclusive approach and develops an inclusive, congregational and missional understanding of and approach to youth ministry.

From a particular perspective on understanding the main objectives of practical theology, the author endorses the so-called movement of ‘what is supposed to be going on’. He adds the outcome of an empirical round table discussion with some 16 leaders in this field on the descriptive and interpretive movements within the subject field: What is going on and why is it going on? The book will form the standard for any new research concerning youth ministry. The book’s contribution lies on the level of sound theological reasoning and argumentation (supported by many scholars) for an inclusive congregational understanding of ministry as an integral part of every congregation being missional in being and doing. Youth, children, adolescents and emerging adults are just as integral a part of every congregation within which they live and serve.


  • Chapter 1
    Methodological: What we do is Practical Theology
    Malan Nel
  • Chapter 2
    Theological: Because of God
    Malan Nel
  • Chapter 3
    Cultural: Because of where we are who we are: The world we live in!
    Malan Nel
  • Chapter 4
    Pedagogical or educational: Because we learn as we develop
    Malan Nel
  • Chapter 5
    Historical: Because of where we come from
    Malan Nel
  • Chapter 6
    Teleological (the purpose of Youth Ministry)
    Malan Nel
  • Chapter 7
    A comprehensive and inclusive approach
    Malan Nel
  • Chapter 8
    The youth themselves
    Malan Nel
  • Chapter 9
    The parents
    Malan Nel
  • Chapter 10
    The adult youth leader
    Malan Nel
  • Chapter 11
    Malan Nel
  • Chapter 12
    The youth organisation: The relational approach
    Malan Nel
  • Chapter 13
    The youth organisation: Basic approaches
    Malan Nel
  • Chapter 14
    The youth organisation: Basic models
    Malan Nel
  • Chapter 15
    The perspective of building up the local church and/or developing a missional local church
    Malan Nel
  • Chapter 16
    Perspectives on the state of Youth Ministry in South Africa: What is going on?
    Malan Nel
  • Chapter 17
    Organisation and administration
    Malan Nel


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ISBN-13 (15)
Publication date (01)
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Details about the available publication format: KINDLE EDITION

ISBN-13 (15)
Publication date (01)

Details about the available publication format: ORDER INQUIRY

ISBN-13 (15)
Publication date (01)
Physical Dimensions
148mm x 210mm