4 Titles

The NWU Education and Human Rights in Diversity Book Series hope to broaden the perspectives of various scholars and educationists (academics, specialists and researchers) regarding several significant human rights and social justice aspects in different education settings. The series intends to add value to the current debate concerning the diversity of our country’s religions, beliefs, cultures, traditions and sexual orientations as they come into play, especially, but not only, at the school level. Contact Professor Johan Bothaweb_orcid_icon16x16.gif (johan.botha@nwu.ac.za), Editor of the NWU Education and Human Rights in Diversity Book Series, to contribute a full-length manuscript within the series. We invite you to read the volume(s) in the series.


Print ISSN 2706-9125

All Books

Cover for Human rights in diverse education contexts
Volume 1
NWU Education and Human Rights in Diversity
Human rights in diverse education contexts
JP Rossouw, Elda de Waal (Volume editor)
Cover for A scholarly inquiry into disciplinary practices in educational institutions
Volume 2
NWU Education and Human Rights in Diversity
A scholarly inquiry into disciplinary practices in educational institutions
Connie B Zulu, Izak J Oosthuizen, Charl C Wolhuter (Volume editor)
Cover for Discipline in education: Some less frequently explored issues
Volume 3
NWU Education and Human Rights in Diversity
Discipline in education: Some less frequently explored issues
Johan Botha (Volume editor)
Cover for Scholarship of education and human rights in diversity: Engaging discourses  from the South
Volume 4
NWU Education and Human Rights in Diversity
Scholarship of education and human rights in diversity: Engaging discourses from the South
Erika M Serfontein , Charl C Wolhuter, Shantha Naidoo (Volume editor)