Digital developments and employment: Understanding trends in Africa

Ali Parry
Wilma Viviers
Emmanuel Orkoh
Susara (Adelia) J Jansen van Rensburg


There is broad consensus in the literature that job creation and productive employment are critical for building a vibrant, inclusive economy. The digital era has the potential to expand employment by creating new professional pathways and market opportunities, particularly in Africa, which has high levels of unemployment and considerable room for enhanced economic activity. However, advancing digital technologies also pose risks and concerns – notably that machines will increasingly take over the jobs of humans. The effects of digital developments on employment therefore warrant thorough investigation. 

This book delves into the effects of digital developments on employment in Africa, using both qualitative and quantitative research methods. An important premise in the book is that employment is a leading determinant of inclusive growth, which has become a policy imperative across the continent. Despite a wide range of views on digital developments and employment, there is no well-established, empirically determined relationship between these two phenomena in Africa, which makes policy-making difficult. The book addresses this research gap, giving specific attention to the fact that African countries are far from homogeneous, evidenced by their highly diverse economic activities and varying levels of development.

The book is essential reading for scholars in the development economics discipline who have an interest in policy studies and in gaining a holistic appreciation of the employment effects of digital developments in Africa. Such insights will go a long way towards shaping countries’ economic and digital policies and putting the continent onto a steadier path towards its digital future.


  • Chapter 1
    Research context, objectives and approach
    Wilma Viviers, Ali Parry, Emmanuel Orkoh, Susara (Adelia) J Jansen van Rensburg
  • Chapter 2
    Insights and debates on inclusive growth and digital developments
    Wilma Viviers, Ali Parry, Emmanuel Orkoh, Susara (Adelia) J Jansen van Rensburg
  • Chapter 3
    Quantitative studies on inclusive growth and digital developments
    Wilma Viviers, Ali Parry, Emmanuel Orkoh, Susara (Adelia) J Jansen van Rensburg
  • Chapter 4
    Methodology and data
    Wilma Viviers, Ali Parry, Emmanuel Orkoh, Susara (Adelia) J Jansen van Rensburg
  • Chapter 5
    Results and analysis
    Wilma Viviers, Ali Parry, Emmanuel Orkoh, Susara (Adelia) J Jansen van Rensburg
  • Chapter 6
    Digital developments and employment in Africa: The way forward
    Wilma Viviers, Ali Parry, Emmanuel Orkoh, Susara (Adelia) J Jansen van Rensburg


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