Submission Guidelines Table


The author guidelines include information about the full-text manuscript to be received for publication and preparing a manuscript for submission. Other relevant information about our books policies and the reviewing process can be found under the about section.


Basic manuscript requirements


English (or Afrikaans)


The book’s full title should contain a maximum of 95 characters (including spaces).


Finished chapters should be between 7000-9000 words, excluding references. The total length of the manuscript should be between 90 000 (minimum) and 120 000 (maximum) words.


AOSIS uses Harvard Style in all its publications. Should another referencing style be accepted or required (e.g. use Vancouver in medically oriented works), please enquire and clarify the way forward with the publication office. The reference style must be used consistently throughout the manuscript.

Suggested chapter outline

While the content and purpose of the chapter will ultimately dictate the arrangement of the material, we offer the following chapter structure as a starting point. Keep this and any specific requests from the project editor in mind as you draft the chapter:

  • Introduction and chapter ‘map’. A brief overview of the chapter, its theme, and purpose.
  • Development of your topic. What is the primary (main) or related issues? Why is this an important topic? Include historical or theoretical background or reference current scholarly debate, if relevant.
  • Current or proposed solutions. Examples of model practice, ideas, or programs.
  • Conclusions and recommendations to readers.

Tables, Figures, Appendices

In some cases, you may find that tables, figures, or appendices are needed to fully develop a topic or make it more accessible to the reader. All tables, figures, and appendices should be appropriately referenced in the text (at least once) and submitted with the manuscript for editorial review. Ensure that all consulted sources accompany the relevant tables, figures or appendices as a full citation. While tables and figures may be embedded in the text, they should also be sent as separate files in the program in which they were created (e.g., Excel) so that they can be reformatted, if necessary, during the final production process.

Quotes and extracts

All material taken from previously published sources — whether quoted directly or paraphrased — should be appropriately cited in the text and be accompanied by a corresponding citation in the reference list. Quotes of more than 30 words are treated as blocks (i.e., single-spaced and set in from the left margin by 12 cm).


Extracts of 400 words or more require the permission of the copyright holder to be included. Refer to the permissions section below. Similarly, figures or tables that are reprinted from previously published work require the permission of the copyright holder to be included. You are responsible for securing the necessary permissions for such material. The editorial staff at AOSIS can provide guidance in requesting permission if needed, but the author will make arrangements to source permissions and pay licensing fees if required.


Writing a research justification section


A written justification (maximum 500 words) signed (by providing the full name, surname and affiliation) by the author of the book, or the volume editor (in the case of an edited book with several chapters from various contributors) explaining the contribution that the book makes to scholarship must be attached to each publication claim.


This justification should not be an abstract of the contents or preface of the book. Still, it should instead describe the methodology used as well as the unique contribution made to knowledge production.


There must be an unequivocal declaration to the fact that no part of the work was plagiarised or published elsewhere. The target audience must be stated.

Second or later editions

A statement indicating that both the previous and current editions have been checked and affirming that at least 50% of the work was not previously published.


Writing the notes on contributors’ section


Each contribution must not exceed 500 words.


Write a brief biography that introduces each contributor, highlighting achievements, listing credentials and any notable projects with which they are involved. Be short and concise, listing only relevant information.


Include the full name, surname, affiliation, email and ORCID of each contributor.


Provide a photograph of the contributor(s).


Manuscript full structure

  • Title
  • Series title (if applicable)
  • Research Justification
  • Abbreviations, Boxes, Figures and Tables Appearing in the Text
    • List of Abbreviations
    • List of Boxes
    • List of Figures
    • List of Tables
  • Notes on Contributors
  • Glossary (if applicable)
  • Declarations and/or Acknowledgements
    • Competing interests: This section should list specific competing interests associated with any of the authors. If authors declare that no competing interests exist, the chapter will include a statement to this effect. Read our policy on competing interests.
    • Author contributions: All authors must meet the criteria for authorship as outlined in the authorship policy and author contribution statement policies.
    • Funding: Provide information on funding if relevant
    • Data availability: All research articles are encouraged to have a data availability statement.
    • Disclaimer: a statement that the views expressed in the submitted manuscript are their own and not an official position of the institution or funder.
  • Foreword (if applicable)
  • Introduction (if applicable)
  • Chapters (incl. references after each chapter)
  • Appendixes (if applicable)
  • Indexing terms (if known)