The Place of Story and the Story of Place

Volume editor
Ernst M Conradie
Volume editor
Willie James Jennings


This third volume of the series on “An Earthed Faith” focuses on creation theology. The ten invited essays address the following core question: “What difference does it make to the story of cosmic, planetary, human and cultural evolution to re-describe this as the creative work of God’s love?” Inversely, what difference does it make to the story of God’s love to describe it in evolutionary and geographic terms? Addressing this question requires theological reflection on place (land, geography and landscape) and on evolution (cosmic, biological, hominid and human) as the story of such place. This entails a narrative reconstruction of the story where current interests, positions of power and fears are necessarily at stake (the place where the story is being told), often dominated by issues of race rather than by grace. How, then, is this story to be told, given such a sense of place?

This volume will entail a highly constructive effort to address the classic tasks associated with creation theology at the cutting edge of contemporary ecotheology.


Delayed open access. All rights reserved.


  • The Place of Creation in Christian Ecotheology – Some Shifts in the Story
    Ernst M Conradie, Willie James Jennings
  • Treaty as a Shared Narrative: Indigenous Treaty as Canada’s Creation Story
    Ray Aldred
  • From an Island of Africa to an Island of Europe: Perspectives on a Theology of Creation from Madagascar and Crete
    Louk A Andrianos
  • Ecotheology and Creation Theology: Shona People’s Indigenous Cosmologies
    Sophia Chirongoma
  • Reforming Place or Placing Reform? One Western Cape Version of the Story
    Ernst M Conradie
  • The Story of a Place in the North: Natural Disasters within God’s Good Creation – A Lutheran Perspective
    Arnfríður Guðmundsdóttir
  • Place and Space: Gathering Wisdom from the Life Work of Proto-Ecowomanist Fannie Lou Hamer
    Melanie L Harris
  • An Arawete Cannibal Theology of Non-Creation: Patriarchy, Capitalism, and Food
    Eneida Jacobsen
  • The Struggle of Earth-Storytellers
    Willie James Jennings
  • Continuing the Conversation on Creation in Christian Ecotheology


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ISBN-13 (15)
Publication date (01)

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ISBN-13 (15)
Publication date (01)
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