Self-Directed Learning: Curriculum implementation, praxis and scholarship in context

Volume editor
Charlene du Toit-Brits
Volume editor
Jean Henry Blignaut
Volume editor
Elize Vos


This scholarly book provides an in-depth analysis of self-directed learning (SDL) within contexts of curriculum, praxis, and scholarship. The book presents original research from multiple authors, which provides diverse perspectives and methodologies for enhancing understanding of SDL. It primarily focuses on incorporating SDL into curriculum development and emphasises the significance of scholarly research in designing effective curricula. 

 The book explores the integration of technology in learning and adapts instructional strategies to meet the evolving demands of higher education and school environments. Inspired by constructivism, socio-constructivism and context-based learning theories, the text presents practical strategies for educators. Key topics include the implications of artificial intelligence, strategies for reducing procrastination, fostering SDL in homeschooling, enhancing SDL attributes, preparing teachers for self-direction, facilitating curriculum transformation, and incorporating indigenous knowledge. The book also covers teaching climate change education and integrating educational robotics. 

 Self-Directed Learning: Curriculum implementation, praxis and scholarship in context is invaluable for scholars and researchers in education, providing empirical findings and practical insights to inspire further research. It aims to equip learners with 21st-century skills, preparing them for the challenges of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. 


  • Introduction
    Karl R Wirth
  • Preface
    Charlene du Toit-Brits, Jean Henry Blignaut, Elize Vos
  • Chapter 1
    Self-directed learning praxis and poiesis in the age of artificial intelligence
    Jako Olivier
  • Chapter 2
    Cultivating self-authorship through self-directed learning environments
    Charlene du Toit-Brits, Jean Henry Blignaut, Karl R Wirth
  • Chapter 3
    Unveiling the catalyst: Exploring learner and educator self-directed learning attributes as a mechanism to attain curriculum and pedagogical objectives
    Charlene du Toit-Brits, Sipho Mahlaba , Christo P van der Westhuizen
  • Chapter 4
    Bridging the gap: Nurturing self-directedness in higher education teacher training and teachers' job demands
    Gideon (Deon) P van Tonder , Nicolaas van Deventer
  • Chapter 5
    Improving academic success: Cultivating self-directed learning to address procrastination in higher distance education
    Christof Imhof , Ioan-Sorin Comsa , Dorothy Laubscher , Tobias Häberlein , Per Bergamin
  • Chapter 6
    Continuous professional development through self-directed learning among lecturers in curriculum transformation
    Jackie Slabbert-Redpath , Josef de Beer , Charlene du Toit-Brits
  • Chapter 7
    Towards a student-centred curriculum: The case of cooperative learning-embedded assessment
    Anitia Lubbe , Elsa Mentz
  • Chapter 8
    Introducing block-based programming: Pre-service teachers’ skill development and self-efficacy in digital microworlds
    Marietjie Havenga, Olukayode S Aboderin
  • Chapter 9
    From classroom to home: Unleashing the power of self-directed learning in homeschooling
    Marguerite Scheepers , Jean Henry Blignaut, Charlene du Toit-Brits
  • Chapter 10
    Enhancing self-directed learning: Integrating the Rationality Index of Plant Use and scientific principles in pre-service Chemistry teachers’ training
    Motlhale Judicial Sebatana, Eunice Pretorius , Washington T Dudu , Josef de Beer
  • Epilogue
    Charlene du Toit-Brits, Jean Henry Blignaut, Elize Vos


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