Information knowledge and technology for Development in Africa

Volume editor
Dennis N Ocholla
Volume editor
Johannes Britz
Volume editor
Neil D Evans


Information, knowledge, and technology occupy significant space in the information and knowledge society and ongoing debates on development, such as the sustainable development goals (SDGs), Agenda 2030 and the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR). Disruptive technologies and cyber-physical systems, obscuring the lines between the physical, digital and biological, escalated by the COVID-19 pandemic, present a ‘new normal’ that profoundly affects the nature and magnitude of responses required to sustain and benefit from the new developments. Africa, known for its late adoption of new technologies and innovations, is leapfrogging development stages in several enviable ways. This book, Information knowledge and technology for development in Africa, written by eminent African scholars, comprises chapters that satisfactorily address information access, artificial intelligence, information ethics, e-learning, library and information science education (LISE) in the 4IR, data literacy and e-scholarship, and knowledge management, which are increasingly essential for information access, services, and LISE in Africa. We expect the book to support research, teaching and learning in African higher education and worldwide for comparative scholarship.


  • Chapter 1
    Perspectives on digital government in Africa: Where do we go from here?
    Trywell Kalusopa
  • Chapter 2
    Automating public business processes: Towards an AI-augmented government
    Kelvin J Bwalya
  • Chapter 3
    Perception of robots in Kenya’s infosphere: Tools or colleagues?
    Tom Kwanya
  • Chapter 4
    Information ethics: From professional ethics to social ethics. How my thoughts evolved over the years – a narrative
    Johannes Britz
  • Chapter 5
    Balancing and reconciling the conflicting values of information access and personal data laws in South Africa
    Mpho Ngoepe
  • Chapter 6
    Nurturing the African higher education teaching and learning ecology using data, information and knowledge from our physical, digital and biological learning spaces
    Neil D Evans
  • Chapter 7
    Responsiveness of library and information science research and education to the Fourth Industrial Revolution
    Dennis N Ocholla
  • Chapter 8
    Which way for information and knowledge management education and research?
    Dennis N Ocholla
  • Chapter 9
    Accrediting scholarly journals as a contribution to advancing research excellence in Kenya: A multifaceted approach
    Omwoyo B Onyancha, Tom Kwanya, Jackson Too
  • Chapter 10
    Knowledge management publication in two South African journals
    Mzwandile M Shongwe


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ISBN-13 (15)
Publication date (01)
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